Lace Earrings or other lace accessoires


I just found that awesome post about how to make lace accessories.

I knew that you simply need lace and cut out the right part of it in order to build accessories, but I didn’t know that you can harden the whole thing with starch.

All you need to do is take a little bit of maize starch (50g) and 3 teaspoons of cold water, mix it and dunk the piece of lace into the liquid. The lace needs to be really wet, then you take it out and then you dry it with an iron. Done.

I build a necklace earlier but it was always to flabby to wear. I think I will try he maize thing though. 🙂


Recently I’ve been to Stockholm to visit a friend of mine.
Since it was the first time in the city, we did a lot of touristic stuff.

But no worries, I wont bore you with a long, long, long, long, […], long description of what I did and what I ate.
I would like to introduce you to my 10-things-that-need-to-be-done-in-a-city list. Of course this list is based on what I did otherwise I could barely recommend it. I guess I will continue this concept in the future. 😉


1. Stadshuset – The Stockholm City Hall
Besides its political function the City Hall is the place were the Nobel Prize banquet is held on 10 December every year.
If you wanna see it from inside, you have to take a guided tour. Its about 10€ but I can really recommend it.

2. Gamla Stan – Old Town
Its just really nice to walk through all those small and tiny alleys, stop for some souvenirs or eat ice cream.

3. The Royal Palace
This impressive building is the official residence of the King of Sweden. Nice to see and its next to Gamla Stan.

4. The Vasamuseum
“King Gustavus wanted the whole world to see his ship. By sinking on its maiden voyage the ship has been seen by more people nowadays than could have been seen in the 17th century.” For just 10€ this museum is a must-do!

6. Drottningholm Palace
The Drottningholm Palace is the Royal Family’s permanent residence and its on UNESCO’s World Heritage list. It was built in the 17th century and gives some royal history impressions. I don’t think you have to go inside. By the way Drottning means Queen.

7. Fairy from Drottningholm to Stadshuset
Since the Drottningholm Palace is located a bit outside of the city a fairy is an easy and great way to get back to the centre while seeing Stockholm from the waterside. It costs around 10€.

8. Icebar by Icehotel
To be honest, you get cold after 30 minutes and I think its more fun if you go with a lots of people. We were just 10 people totally in there since my friend and me went pretty early (around 7pm on a friday). But its worth an experience and I think the Icehotel in the north must be amazing!

9. Kungsträdgården
Its a nice meeting and hanging out place in the centre of the city. Also the shopping area is close. Go there fore eating/ having a drink or two.

10. Buy a Dalarna Horse
I am not really familiar with the story, but its about Prinz Erik and his magic horse. Anyways the red horses have become popular in Swedish culture and history and its a nice souvenir.

As I told you this post is quite short and meant as an overview only. 😉 

FranziDalarna Horse

World Meteorological Day


Today is the World Meteorological Day or the International Day of Meteorology.

Wikipedia and the WMO itself state that this day was invented to remember the introduction of the World Meteorology Organization on the 23rd of March 1950, short WMO. Through worldwide weather recording the WMO enabled reliable weather forecasts. Interestingly this organization cooperated on an international basis regardless of any political circumstances.

Every year the World Meteorological Day follows a special theme. The topic this year is “Watching the weather to protect life and property” – because its exactly 50 years of World Weather Watch today.

The foto above was found on GMX and taken by © imago / Xinhua / Ren Junchuan

It shows an optical effect called “Halo“, which I would like to explain in my next post.



Hey everyone,

since a friend of mine is interested in blogging as well we decided to create a new blog!
I will introduce this blog to you once we decided how to name it, how it should look like and so forth… 😉

What’s happening to TWOONETWO?

Well, I am just planning on disembodying all this fashion and lifestyle stuff.
TWOONETWO will continue as an Art, Interesting & Photography blog.

Lets see how this works.

Yours, Franzi

Die 4. Berliner Fahrrad Schau

Am 09. & 10. März findet die 4. Berliner Fahrrad Schau in der Station Berlin statt.


(Foto: ribcap)

Um die 200 Aussteller werden ihre neuesten Modelle und Entwicklungen präsentieren.

Vor allem Fachpublikum und B2B-Kunden können sich vor Ort Informationen über das Produkt einholen und erste Bestellungen abgeben, aber auch dem einfachen Konsumenten, der sein Fahrrad als Fortbewegungsmittel oder maximal als Accessoire sieht, wird ein nettes Programm geboten.

Vorbei schauen lohnt sich, der Eintritt beträgt 6€(1 Tag)/ 10€ (2 Tage) für Erwachsen und 4€ bzw. 6€ für Kinder ab 6 Jahren.

Geöffnet ist am Samstag von 10:00 bis 19:00 Uhr und am Sonntag von Sonntag 10:00 bis 18:00 Uhr.

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